Gordon Boswell

Gordon Boswell

Posted by gordonboswell on July 23, 2018 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 Uncategorized

An Exciting Floral Attraction Near Us

It’s always exciting to receive a bouquet of gorgeous flowers, for any reason or no reason at all. This is due in part to the fact that flowers can have an uplifting, inspiring effect on us. Gordon Boswell encourages you to find a similar feeling from visiting a local botanical garden or flower festival.

The Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens has several great events to draw your attention and delight your senses. Tour the Japanese Garden on the second Tuesday of every month or engage in seminars about yardscaping, including topics like landscaping, conserving water and developing your own butterfly garden. In the fall, participate in the Iris society or peruse the next additions to your garden at the Daylily Society or the Fall Plant Sale. During holiday seasons, The Botanical Gardens hosts a Christmas Tea and a Fourth of July old-fashioned concert with fireworks. If you need to experience flowers in between these festivals, feel free to browse our excellent selection of Summer Flowers while you plan your next event.

When you’re looking for an activity that will bring you to flowers, or simply for flowers themselves, let the floral experts at Gordon Boswell help you find something just right for you.