When color experts Pantone announced their choice for Color of the Year, Ultra Violet, there was a bit of a collective gasp. What a rich, dark, arresting hue, people said. And one that conveys a lot of mystery and mysticism. Since the COY is meant to embody the spirit of the times, designers, florists and other creatives were left wondering, what does this color say about our culture right now? And where are we headed?
Such deep questions about a color, and yet exactly the kinds that Pantone is trying to provoke. On the other hand, we here at Gordon Boswell are excited to work with it.
But we don’t feel beholden to the Ultra Violet shade, and neither should you. There is a whole spectrum of purples out there, and any of them will capture a bit of the mood Pantone’s going for. Take our Fragrant Lavenders, for instance, a much lighter approach to purple. In this design, purple is spirited and upbeat and even sweet.

There’s still complexity here, though, and look how fresh and vibrant the color becomes alongside the green. Flowers are a great way to bring some purple into your life, and that’s exactly why we like to work with so many vivid shades. You can see aspects of the color that you wouldn’t otherwise when it is reflected back at you through blooms.